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The 2018 National Science and Technology Work Conference was Held in Beijing

The National Science and Technology Work Conference was held on January 9 in Beijing. The conference thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping’s socialism thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of 19th National Congress of the CPC, implemented the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference and the Central Rural Work Conference, thoroughly implemented the innovation-driven development strategy, summed up the scientific and technological innovations since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, analyzed the current situation of innovation and development, clarified the new requirements for scientific and technological innovation, studied and deployed the tasks of science and technology reform in 2018 to accelerate the pace of building an innovative nation. Wan Gang, minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology delivered a work report, and Wang Zhigang, the Secretary of Party Committee and deputy minister of the Ministry of Science presided over the conference.

The conference issued the No.1 document titled Opinions on Creating a New Situation for Science and Technology by Insisting on Xi Jinping’s Socialism Thought with Chinese Characteristics as a Guide issued by the Party Committee of Ministry of Science and Technology in 2018, emphasizing the thoroughly study and implement of the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the CPC, and the guide of Jinping’s socialism thought for leading the scientific and technological work. More than 200 representatives attended the conference, including principals for science and technology management in central government and state organs, chief principals of various local scientific and technological departments, principals of national self-dependent demonstration zones and some hi-tech zones and principals for major special projects under civil science and technology.

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